Foundation Friends

In 2022, we extended an invitation a group of remarkable individuals within our community to join us as Foundation Friends.

We sought those who not only generously contributed financially but also shared a profound connection, passion, and unwavering belief in Pure Land Home Hospice.

Our Foundation Members have laid the groundwork for countless South Australians to access our services for generations to come.

Their unwavering dedication is solely directed towards uplifting our community.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to them for pioneering this remarkable community service initiative.

Board Members

Our board is comprised of dedicated individuals who bring a wealth of experience and expertise to guide the strategic direction of Pure Land Home Hospice.

Committed to excellence and driven by a shared vision, each member contributes unique perspectives, skills, and insights that enrich our decision-making processes.

With a focus on accountability, transparency, and innovation, our board fosters an environment that encourages collaboration and empowers our team to achieve our mission and goals.

Through their leadership and unwavering commitment, our board plays a pivotal role in steering our organisation towards continued growth and success, ensuring we remain responsive to the evolving needs of our stakeholders and the communities we serve.

Our Spiritual Teachers

Kabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche

In 2019, Jan and India were blessed with the honour of receiving the name “Pure Land of Amitabha Buddha Hospice” directly from Rinpoche in Kathmandu, Nepal, imbued with his blessings.

Born in the Mount Everest region of Thami in 1945, Rinpoche was taken under the care of FPMT’s founder, Lama Thubten Yeshe, soon after leaving Tibet in Buxa Duar, India, in the early 1960s. Rinpoche was with Lama Yeshe until 1984, when Lama Yeshe passed away and Lama Zopa Rinpoche took over as spiritual director of FPMT.

FPMT Inc. is an international non-profit organisation devoted to the transmission of the Mahayana Buddhist tradition and values worldwide through teaching, meditation and community service. The organisation provides integrated education through which people’s minds can reach their highest potential for the benefit of others, inspired by an attitude of universal responsibility.

At the age of ten, Rinpoche went to Tibet and studied and meditated at Domo Geshe Rinpoche’s monastery near Pagri until the Chinese occupation of Tibet in 1959 forced him to forsake Tibet for the safety of Bhutan.

Rinpoche then went to the Tibetan refugee camp at Buxa Duar, West Bengal, India, where he met Lama Yeshe, who became his closest teacher.

Over the next few years, they built Kopan and Lawudo monasteries. In 1971, Lama Zopa Rinpoche gave the first of his famous annual Lam Rim retreat courses, which continue at Kopan Monastery to this day.

FPMT was established at the end of 1975. Lama Yeshe served as the organization’s spiritual director until he passed away in 1984, at which time Rinpoche took over. From that time until 2023, under 39 years of his peerless guidance, FPMT continued to flourish.

Sadly, on April 13, 2023, Rinpoche died quite suddenly and unexpectedly.

Pure Land Home Hospice remains steadfast in its tireless efforts to honour Rinpoche’s blessings and guidance to establish another FPMT hospice, enriching the lives of individuals in South Australia.

Venerable Thubten Dondrub

Ordinated in 1979, Venerable Thubten Dondrub is a well-qualified, popular teacher with the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT).

Genla, as he is affectionately known to us in Adelaide, is the resident teacher at Buddha House and our Spiritual Advisor. Over the years, Venerable Dondrub has taught in Australia, New Zealand, India, Nepal, Spain, Italy, France, Holland, Germany, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, the US and Mexico.

Genla has led the month-long November course at Kopan Monastery, Kathmandu, Nepal, eight times – more than any other teacher worldwide.

Buddha House is privileged to have Venerable Thubten Dondrub as a resident at Buddha House. As many may know, he was born here in Adelaide, and after graduating with Honours in History from Flinders University, he met Buddhism in Australia in 1976. He attended teachings by Lama Yeshe and Lama Thubten Zopa Rinpoche at Chenrezig Institute, Queensland. He received rabjung ordination from Geshe Thubten Loden in March 1977 and gelong ordination from Lama Thubten Zopa Rinpoche in October 1979.

From 1978 to 1980, Venerable Dondrub was Assistant Director at Chenrezig Institute; in 1981, he travelled as an attendant to Sera Je Abbot, Geshe Ngawang Legden, and the FPMT Centres throughout Europe.

In 1982, he lived at Sera Je Monastery in India, and from 1983 to 1986, he was an attendant to Lama Thubten Zopa Rinpoche. From 1988 to 1991, Venerable Dondrub lived in Taiwan, teaching and establishing the FPMT Centre in Taipei. From 1991 to 2000, he was a resident at Nalanda Monastery in France and was director from 1992-1993. From June 2002 to 2012, he was the resident teacher at Hayagriva Buddhist Centre, Perth, before we welcomed him here as Resident Teacher at Buddha House.

Venerable Dondrub is renowned as one of the best meditation leaders in the FPMT and is highly sought after by centres around the world. How fortunate we are, here at Buddha House, to have Venerable Dondrub as our resident teacher and spiritual advisor.

Venerable Tenzin Chodron

Venerable Tenzin Chodron is an Australian Buddhist nun, ordained in 1999 in the Tibetan tradition. Having dedicated years to the study of Buddhist philosophy, including the completion of the rigorous 5-year Basic Program at Chenrezig Institute, she possesses a deep understanding of the tradition’s principles and is a Registered Teacher with FPMT.

In addition to her spiritual pursuits, Tenzin Chodron holds a master’s degree in social work, which she skilfully integrates into her compassionate care approach. For over two decades, she has served in end-of-life care at Karuna Hospice Service in Australia, extending invaluable spiritual and counselling support to individuals and families facing the challenges of life limiting illness.

Beyond direct care, Tenzin Chodron has played a pivotal role in enhancing end-of-life care practices. She conducts training sessions for healthcare practitioners, imparting her wisdom on matters of death and dying. Moreover, she actively engages with the wider community by facilitating educational groups, fostering a deeper understanding of compassionate care practices.

Continuing her commitment to spiritual service, Tenzin Chodron leads Spiritual Care with the Dying retreats and training programs. These initiatives, rooted in Buddhist contemplative practices and imbued with compassionate care, offer participants profound insights and practical skills for navigating the journey of death and dying with grace and understanding.

Venerable Chodron has diligently trained all our volunteers, nurses and companions through her intensive 5-day retreat titled “Spiritual Care With the Dying.”

This retreat serves as a profound guide for participants, fostering a deeper comprehension and acceptance of death and dying. It significantly boosts their confidence in navigating the intricacies of the dying process.

This retreat serves as a profound guide for participants, fostering a deeper comprehension and acceptance of death and dying. It significantly boosts their confidence in navigating the intricacies of the dying process.

Open to all interested individuals, these retreats offer:

  • Practical skills for compassionate care and support for the dying and their families
  • Insights into the spiritual needs of the dying
  • Instruction in meditative and contemplative practices aimed at spiritually preparing for death.
  • Guidance on spiritual practices tailored to the time of death.
  • Development of understanding on pertinent issues such as letting go, transforming suffering, loving-kindness, and compassion.
  • Opportunities for building and enriching one’s own spiritual practice.