What is Buddhism?

Buddhism, originating in India over 2,500 years ago, is a spiritual tradition and way of life practised by millions worldwide, based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, known as the Buddha or “enlightened one.”

At Pure Land Home Hospice, we follow the Mahayana Buddhism tradition, emphasising the compassion and altruism of Bodhisattvas— beings postponing their enlightenment to assist others.

This tradition encourages practitioners to avoid harming others including all animals, to live ethically, and practise meditation for a clearer, more peaceful mind. It encompasses a rich tapestry of spiritual traditions and rituals, with meditation at its core, serving as a gateway to inner peace and mindfulness. Practitioners engage in various meditation forms, such as focused breathing or cultivating loving-kindness, aiming for tranquility, clarity, and profound insights into existence and ways to alleviate suffering.

Besides meditation, Buddhist teachings are underpinned with compassion and kindness towards all beings and embrace the Five Precepts. The Precepts are ethical principles to guide our actions to avoid harm, cultivate honesty, and foster mindful speech. By embodying these values, Buddhists aim for lives of integrity, extending compassion to humans, animals, and the environment.

In summary, Buddhist practices intertwine meditation, compassion, and study, offering a transformative self-discovery and spiritual growth journey. Through meditation, Buddhists seek inner peace and clarity, while compassion guides their actions towards a more harmonious, loving world. Study of sacred texts helps practitioners develop wisdom ultimately aiming for enlightenment and a deep world connection.