Spiritual Care With The Dying Retreat

with Venerable Tenzin Chodron

During this intensive five-day retreat, Venerable Tenzin Chodron, a Buddhist nun in the Tibetan tradition who has worked in end-of-life care for over twenty years, will guide you to a deeper understanding and acceptance of death and dying.

  • Practical skills in compassionate care and support of the
    dying and their families
  • The spiritual needs of the dying
  • Meditative and contemplative practices related to
    spiritually preparing for death and spiritual practices for
    the time of death
  • Developing an understanding of issues connected with letting
    go, transforming suffering, loving kindness and compassion
  • Building and deepening one’s own spiritual practice

The retreat is deeply experiential – we apply all of the principles discussed to our own lives as well as the lives of others, with the understanding that the more we face and prepare for our own death, the more present we can be with others in preparing for theirs.

Quotes from previous participants

“I feel more prepared for my own death…”

“…exceeded my expectations…”

“…Chodron’s teaching style, inclusivity, knowledge, wisdom and
experience are invaluable…”

14-18 October 2024

The Monastery Function Centre
Cross Rd, Urrbrae, SA

Full Cost – $1,375

This price includes four nights’ accommodation,
catering, and course materials.

Click here to see our flyer on the event!

Contact Jan McGregor for an
Application Form:

